There are MANY needs in Haiti and in the communities we support. In Durissy, we have been actively engaged in not only supporting the operational expenses of the schools, but also helping with the construction of new school buildings. In partnership with Digicel, work has been completed in 2017 to update the high school buildings in Durissy. Also in 2017, work began on a new Preschool/Kindergarten building there, hoping to have it completed in early 2018. Spring and summer rains delayed some of the early work on that building. The picture above shows one of the two completed high-school buildings in Durissy.
Digicel is an Irish Company that provides cell phone service in many tropical countries. Their foundation is active in charitable work in Haiti. Since the earthquake of 2010, Digicel has built 172 schools. This is another example of entities outside the government recognizing the importance of education there.
As partners with Digicel and our Haitian friends, we hope to provide solar collectors, so that our high school students will have lights, fans, and even a computer lab. This is a shared Haitian/American effort to prepare the children of Durissy to be leaders for Haiti in the 21st century.